Shop Shelf-talker: 'An alternative to using anything else, this little spray is a winner in relieving mild headaches and migraines. Very cooling and uplifting. Spray around your head and temples'.
Background Story: This formulation was created as many people came into the shop, asking for a remedy to help with 'headaches and migraines' symptoms. There a various ways people can use essential oils. Diluting essential oils into a spray is a gentle application method, rather than sniffing from the bottle as we had created the synergy Headaches and Migraines Synergy – Aromaflex that was proving to work very well in its own right. Again, this recipie was written down, then tried on all the people that came in asking for this particular remedy and simple application method. The result was excellent, as everyone we made this for, all enjoyed the product and confirmed that it worked for them as they requested. Customers are still getting refils, really confirms they enjoy this spray to this day.
How to Use: Spray around the head, neck and face area at the onset of a headache or migraine. Helps to relieve the headache or migraine. Use during the headache/migraine to releive intensity.
Now available, 200ml Refil Bottle to top up your spray bottles!