The various ways aromatherapy/aromatic products are used
Direct Application, Inhalation, Prescribed Oral Use, Topical Blend Application and Hydrosol/Aromatherapy Spray Use

Pure Organic/Medical Grade Essential Oils can be applied directly onto the skin for therapeutic benefits. I.e. Tea Tree for a pimple or a boil on the skin.
Sublingual applications become systemic. One drop can be held under the tongue then held as long as possible. Abstain from putting anything into your mouth for 30min, for maximum absorption.
The Shunt application is where you put one drop on your fontenal (the soft part found in the top of your head at birth). Very effective for stress and anxiety.
A couple of drops of Lavender or Peppermint for a headache applied to the side of your temples works a treat.
For centuries people have been inhaling oils through the nose or mouth thanks to the Olfactory System. This is all the physical organs and cells that contribute to the sense of smell.
When you breathe in, the molecules in the air mix and match with the olfactory organs and send precise immediate messages to the brain. These messages affect the Limbic System, some call this the Emotional Brain.
Inhaling pure essential oils can bring clarity to the brain, ease breathing and provide a 'space' to assist relief from stress.
The complex relationship of limbic system with brain affects a person's heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, adrenalin, hormonal balance and memory. The molecules inhaled through the nose or mouth are also transported through the body to the lungs and effect the state of the respiratory system.

Recommended only by Qualified Aromatherapists in NZ.
Essential Oils are not like homeopathics or herbal medicine. Essential Oils are 100% stronger then the plant. Low grade Essential Oils can cause liver and kidney toxicity and have life threatening side effects.
There are highly qualified practitioners locally, nationally and internationally, specifically trained in Clinical Aromatherapy who can advise on internal use.

An Aromatherapy BLEND is a combination of a Carrier oil and Essential Oils.
A blend, e.g. our Stretch Mark Prevention Blend can be applied directly onto the skin. The tiny molecules of the oils are absorbed through the permeable layers of the skin into the blood stream and lymphatic system. This happens because therapeutic grade oils are small enough to penetrate through the pores and hair follicles on the skin, thus enabling them to be absorbed by our largest organ, the skin. The intensity of absorption is different for every person depending on health, skin type and area of body being massaged.
When massaging an area of the body you increase the circulation to an area which increases absorption. The heat created helps to transport the oils faster. Therefore, applying body blends after your shower when the pores are open, is a good option.
Hydrosol is a chemistry term meaning "water solution."
Hydrolates, floral waters and plant waters are terms also used.
First, hydrosols do not come just from flowers any more than essential oils come only from flowers. Roots, bark, branches, wood, needles and leaves, even fruit and seeds can produce both oils and hydrosols. Thus hydrosols are not strictly “flower” or “floral” waters.
“Hydrosols are the condensate water coproduced during the steam-or-hydro-distillation of plant material for aromatherapeutic purposes.” Hydrosols are great for wound care, facial sprays and gargling in the mouth for sore throats and infections of the teeth.

When applying aromatherapy blends to the face i.e. Beautiful Facial Blend, Luxurious Facial Blend, Franks Facial blend, etc..this is the way to do it:
1. Have a nice clean face after your shower or face wash.
2. Pour a small amount of the blend into the hand (about half a teaspoon worth)
3. Apply onto the face, starting with the cheeks, over the lips, around the eyes, then up onto the forehead then finish with the neck.
If you want to add a toner, then use the Rose or Lavender Hydrosol. Just spray over the top of the facial oil which will add more hyrdration to the skin.