Shop Shelf-talker: 'Want to reach that place of balance & harmony so you don’t loose the jandal'.
Background Story: This formulation was created for a beauty salon in Christchurch. They wanted something a bit softer, from the healing synergy. When this synergy is diffusing, it has a lovely aroma that lingers about. Many customers have come into the shop in Nelson, asking for the formulation that was created for Koru Skin Clinic | Christchurch Skin & Cosmetic Medicine, offering cosmetic enhancement, injectable treatments, skin rejuvenation, IPL & mole checks as well as so much more Customers are still getting refils, really confirms they enjoy this synergy to this day.
How to Use: Use a few drops in a diffuser. Best use is adding a few drops to a sniffer inhaler Aromatherapy Sniffer – Aromaflex that you can use throughout the day. Keep in your pocket and use as required. At the end of the day, add a few drops to your bath or shower floor and enjoy the aroma do its healing work.