About: The macerated oil is sometimes confused with the essential oil, which is obtained by steam distillation of carrot seeds and is quite different.
Therapeutic benefits – external use:
· A tonic to the skin
· Helps the healing process by assisting the formation of scar tissue
· Soothes itching skin
· Helpful in psoriasis, eczema and acne
· Rejuvenation of the skin
How to Use: This oil can be applied directly onto the skin and can be massaged onto the neck and shoulders, arms, legs, feet, tummy and back for example. It is safe to use on the face. Add Aromatic Synergies – Aromaflex for aroma and various healing properties, or use individual essential oils Essential Oils – Aromaflex for aroma and therapeutic uses.
The ingestion of carrots and carrot juice in excess can be toxic due to hypervitaminosis, as can excessive intake of tablets designed to ‘tan’ the skin artificially. In such cases, which are not at all uncommon, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet turn an orange colour, the skin becomes progressively flaky, the whole system becomes toxic and in extreme cases, death can result.