Shop Shelf-talker: 'Grounds the emotional, spiritual, physical self. One of our best sellers.
Background Story: This formulation was created by Mary, who was training as an Aromatherapist under the guidence of Shelley. Many people came into the shop, asking for a remedy to help 'heal' them on an emotional, spiritual and physical way. This was recipie was written down, then tried on all the people that came in and asked the same question. The result was amazing, as everyone we made this for, all enjoyed the product and confirmed that it worked for them as they requested. Customers are still getting refils, really confirms they enjoy this synergy to this day.
How to Use: Use a few drops in a diffuser. Best use is adding a few drops to a sniffer inhaler Aromatherapy Sniffer – Aromaflex that you can use throughout the day. Keep in your pocket and use as required. At the end of the day, add a few drops to your bath or shower floor and enjoy the aroma do its healing work.